Date: Thursday, 12/Sep/2019

8:00am - 10:30am

Posters: Poster Display

Posters will be displayed throughout the Congress

Foyer , 2nd floor

9:05am - 9:50am

KN1: Keynote Lecture 1 - Prof Gareth Williams
Session Chair: Dr. Christopher Derrett

Conference room, 2nd floor

10:00am - 11:00am

Misc1: Miscellaneous - Surgery/anatomy
Session Chair: Dr. Christopher John Duffin

Studio 1 ,1st Floor

10:00am - 11:00am

Sea 1: History of Medicine at Sea 1
Session Chair: Dr. Hilary Susan Morris

Studio 2, 1st Floor

10:00am - 11:00am

WB1: History of Medicine in West of Britain 1
Session Chair: Dr. David Wright

Conference room, 2nd floor

11:40am - 12:40pm

Misc2: Miscellaneous - Hospitals
Session Chair: Prof. Sean Patrick Hughes

Studio 1 ,1st Floor

11:40am - 1:00pm

Sea 2: History of Medicine at Sea 2
Session Chair: Dr. Neil MacGillivray

Studio 2, 1st Floor

11:40am - 1:00pm

WB2: History of Medicine in West of Britain 2
Session Chair: Michael Davidson

Conference room, 2nd floor

2:00pm - 2:45pm

KN2: Keynote Lecture 2 - Prof Mark Harrison
Session Chair: Dr. Mike Collins

Conference room, 2nd floor

2:50pm - 3:50pm

Misc3: Miscellaneous - Community
Session Chair: Dr. John Michael Ford

Studio 1 ,1st Floor

2:50pm - 3:50pm

Sea 3: History of Medicine at Sea 3
Session Chair: Lois Mary Tutton

Conference room, 2nd floor

2:50pm - 3:50pm

WB3: History of Medicine in West of Britain 3
Session Chair: Dr. Adrian Mark Kynaston Thomas

Studio 2, 1st Floor

4:20pm - 5:20pm

Misc4: Miscellaneous - Other
Session Chair: Prof. Paul Richard Goddard

Studio 1 ,1st Floor

4:20pm - 5:20pm

Sea 4: History of Medicine at Sea 4
Session Chair: Dr. Julie Helene Papworth

Conference room, 2nd floor

4:20pm - 5:20pm

WB4: History of Medicine in West of Britain 4
Session Chair: Dr. Patricia Whatley

Studio 2, 1st Floor

Date: Friday, 13/Sep/2019

8:45am - 9:45am

Men1: History of Mental Illness and Mental Disability 1
Session Chair: Dr. Peter Carpenter

Please note 8.45 Start

Conference room, 2nd floor

8:45am - 9:45am

Misc5: Miscellaneous - Biography
Session Chair: Iain Macintyre

Please note 8.45 start

Studio 2, 1st Floor

10:15am - 11:35am

Men2: History of Mental Illness and Mental Disability 2
Session Chair: Dr. Michael John Whitfield

Conference room, 2nd floor

10:15am - 11:55am

Stud: Health Care Undergrad Student Presentations
Session Chair: Dr. Martin Edwards

Studio 2, 1st Floor

12:00pm - 12:45pm

KN3: Keynote Lecture 3 - Prof Sir Simon Wessely
Session Chair: Prof. Tilli Tansey

Conference room, 2nd floor

Date: Saturday, 14/Sep/2019

9:00am - 9:45am

KN4: Keynote Lecture 4 - Dr Cherry Lewis
Session Chair: Dr. Christopher Gardner-Thorpe

Conference room, 2nd floor

9:50am - 10:30am

Ed1: History of Health Care Education 1
Session Chair: Briony Hudson

Conference room, 2nd floor

9:50am - 10:50am

Men3: History of Mental Illness and Mental Disability 3
Session Chair: Dr. Francis Duck

Studio 2, 1st Floor

11:15am - 12:15pm

Ed2: History of Health Care Education 2
Session Chair: Dr. Janette Allotey

Conference room, 2nd floor

11:15am - 12:35pm

Misc6: Miscellaneous - Military/War
Session Chair: Bryan Rhodes

Studio 2, 1st Floor



Posters: Poster Display

Time: Thursday, 12/Sep/2019: 8:00am - 10:30am  ·  Location: Foyer , 2nd floor

Isabella Kerr, Chaulmoogra Oil and Leprosy: Indigenous And Colonial Medicine In Early Twentieth-Century India

Claire Elizabeth Repper

University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom


Graves’ Disease and Radiotherapy: The work of Florence Stoney.

Adrian Mark Kynaston Thomas

Canterbury Christ Church University, United Kingdom


Aubrey Leatham - A Pioneering London Cardiologist with surprising links to Bhutan

Lowri Davies, Hugh Thomas

St George's. University of London, United Kingdom


Nazi Eugenics - Made in the USA?

Arissa Rachel James

University of Bristol Medical School, United Kingdom


Q-Block at Bath War Hospital, c 1918.

Francis Duck1, Heide Pöstges2

1Formally Bath University, United Kingdom; 2St George's, University of London


‘If Pains Do No Good, They Do a Great Deal of Harm’: The Work And Life Of Sarah Stone, The 18th Century Somerset Midwife.

Anna Bosanquet

Imperial Coillege Healthcare NHS Trust, United Kingdom


Cook's Preventive Medicine – 250 years on

John Hemsley Pearn

Faculty of Medicine,University of Queensland, Australia


Sophia Jex-Blake (1840-1912): Scotland's First Female Doctor

Jacob Oliver Chillingworth

Manchester Medical School, United Kingdom


British Historiography On “Modern” Anaesthesia And Its’ Technology - Time For A Shift Of Paradigm?!

Meinolfus "Wulf" Stratling

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, Cardiff, Wales, UK, United Kingdom


Fraiskette Or Convulsion Chains

Christopher John Duffin

The Natural History Museum, United Kingdom

KN1: Keynote Lecture 1 - Prof Gareth Williams

Time: Thursday, 12/Sep/2019: 9:05am - 9:50am  ·  Location: Conference room, 2nd floor
Session Chair: Christopher Derrett

9:05am - 9:50am

Edward Jenner: Saint and Sinner?

Gareth Williams

University of Bristol (retired), United Kingdom

Misc1: Miscellaneous - Surgery/anatomy

Time: Thursday, 12/Sep/2019: 10:00am - 11:00am  ·  Location: Studio 1 ,1st Floor
Session Chair: Christopher John Duffin

10:00am - 10:20am

Charles Bell and Human Expression.

Sean Patrick Hughes

Imperial College London, United Kingdom


10:20am - 10:40am

Joseph Haydn's Nasal Polyps

Anthony Robert Butler

University of St Andrews, United Kingdom


10:40am - 11:00am

Cataract Surgery in Ancient India: Experimental Approach

Krishna Mohan Nath Kunzru1, Rita Ohri1, Astrid Limb2, Hari Jayram2

1Whipps Cross University Hospital, London; 2Institute of Ophthalmology, London

Sea 1: History of Medicine at Sea 1

Time: Thursday, 12/Sep/2019: 10:00am - 11:00am  ·  Location: Studio 2, 1st Floor
Session Chair: Hilary Susan Morris

10:00am - 10:20am

British Royal Navy Sailor Clothing as a Vehicle for Disease and Infection, 1740-1770

Jennifer Daley

Kings College London, United Kingdom


10:20am - 10:40am

Whaling Ship Surgeons In The British South Seas Trade, 1775-1859; 'From Passable To Practitioner'?

Julie Helene Papworth

Independent Researcher, United Kingdom


10:40am - 11:00am

Sea Surgeons, a Supplier and possible Spy with Bristol connections: Nelson's Unsung Heroes

Jane Bowden-Dan

Retired, United Kingdom

WB1: History of Medicine in West of Britain 1

Time: Thursday, 12/Sep/2019: 10:00am - 11:00am  ·  Location: Conference room, 2nd floor
Session Chair: David Wright

10:00am - 10:20am

British Bias In The History Of Medicine: Bristol’s “Pneumatic Institute” And John Scott Haldane (1860 – 1936) - Time For A Shift Of Paradigm?!

Meinolfus "Wulf" Stratling

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, Cardiff, Wales, UK, United Kingdom


10:20am - 10:40am

The First Paediatricians In The South West

David William Stevens

Retired Consultant Paediatrician, United Kingdom


10:40am - 11:00am

How Useful Are Local Newspaper Archives In the Exploration Of Healthcare In Late Georgian Somerset, England?

Michael Davidson

British Society for the History of Medicine, United Kingdom

Misc2: Miscellaneous - Hospitals

Time: Thursday, 12/Sep/2019: 11:40am - 12:40pm  ·  Location: Studio 1 ,1st Floor
Session Chair: Sean Patrick Hughes

11:40am - 12:00pm

Pelvic Theory In Twentieth-Century Obstetrics

Janette Allotey

De Partu, History of Childbirth Group, United Kingdom


12:00pm - 12:20pm

The Role Of The House Surgeon In A Voluntary Hospital

Mike Collins

Aesculapian Society Sheffield, BSHM


12:20pm - 12:40pm

When Wood Becomes Iron: Materiality and Metaphor in the Negative Pressure Ventilator

Farrah Lawrence-Mackey

Science Museum Group, United Kingdom

Sea 2: History of Medicine at Sea 2

Time: Thursday, 12/Sep/2019: 11:40am - 1:00pm  ·  Location: Studio 2, 1st Floor
Session Chair: Neil MacGillivray

11:40am - 12:00pm

Thomas Wakley at Sea

Carolyn Paul

Whittington Hospital, United Kingdom


12:00pm - 12:20pm

Jonas Hanway and his Marine Society – the untold account of inoculation against smallpox.

Hilary Susan Morris

Worshipful Society of Apothecaries


12:20pm - 12:40pm

'Assigned and appoyntyd': Surgeons in Henry VIII's 'Army by sea', 1513.

Diane Budden

University of Winchester, United Kingdom


12:40pm - 1:00pm

Infectious Disease Mortality In British Merchant Seamen Since 1900: From Causes To Controls

John Timothy Carter1, Stephen Roberts2

1Norwegian centre of maritime and diving medicine,Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway; 2Univeristy of Swansea, Medical School

WB2: History of Medicine in West of Britain 2

Time: Thursday, 12/Sep/2019: 11:40am - 1:00pm  ·  Location: Conference room, 2nd floor
Session Chair: Michael Davidson

11:40am - 12:00pm

Walter R. Hadwen: Gloucestershire Doctor and Celebrated Anti-Vaccination Campaigner.

Sylvia Theresa Valentine

University of Dundee, United Kingdom


12:00pm - 12:20pm

The Three Bath Dispensaries And Their Unique Approach To Health Care For The Poor

Michael John Whitfield

Bristol Med Hist Soc, United Kingdom


12:20pm - 12:40pm

The Giffords Of Chard

Adrian Mark Kynaston Thomas

Canterbury Christ Church University, United Kingdom


12:40pm - 1:00pm

The Foundation Charter And History Of Billeswick Hospital, Bristol, c.1232 A.D.

Andrew T. Nadell

International Society for History of Medicine, United States of America

KN2: Keynote Lecture 2 - Prof Mark Harrison

Time: Thursday, 12/Sep/2019: 2:00pm - 2:45pm  ·  Location: Conference room, 2nd floor
Session Chair: Mike Collins

2:00pm - 2:45pm

Samaritans of the Sea: Duty, Disease and Privation in the Black Sea, 1854-6

Mark Harrison

Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine, United Kingdom

Misc3: Miscellaneous - Community

Time: Thursday, 12/Sep/2019: 2:50pm - 3:50pm  ·  Location: Studio 1 ,1st Floor
Session Chair: John Michael Ford

2:50pm - 3:10pm

‘The vulgar have no talent in describing their situation’: The Role of the Patient’s Narrative in Dispensary Treatment in Edinburgh, Kelso and Newcastle, 1777-1800

Daisy Albinia Cunynghame1,2

1Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh; 2University of Edinburgh


3:10pm - 3:30pm

History Of Diseases In The District Of Maine 1772-1820: A Rare Primary Source

Richard Kahn

Tufts University School of Medicine, United States of America


3:30pm - 3:50pm

The Scottish Poor Law and the provision of health care in the Scottish Highlands, 1845-1913.

Patricia Whatley

University of Dundee, United Kingdom

Sea 3: History of Medicine at Sea 3

Time: Thursday, 12/Sep/2019: 2:50pm - 3:50pm  ·  Location: Conference room, 2nd floor
Session Chair: Lois Mary Tutton

2:50pm - 3:10pm

John Woodall (1570?-1643): First Surgeon General Of The East India Company

Christopher John Duffin

The Natural History Museum, United Kingdom


3:10pm - 3:30pm

A Family Skeleton?

Iain Macintyre

British Society for the History of Medicine, United Kingdom

WB3: History of Medicine in West of Britain 3

Time: Thursday, 12/Sep/2019: 2:50pm - 3:50pm  ·  Location: Studio 2, 1st Floor
Session Chair: Adrian Mark Kynaston Thomas

2:50pm - 3:10pm

Judson Chesterman: Westcountryman & Surgical Pioneer

William A E Parker

University of Sheffield, United Kingdom


3:10pm - 3:30pm

John Fewster And The Benefits Of Cowpox

Arthur W Boylston

Oxford University


3:30pm - 3:50pm

Royalty And The “King’s Evil” In The West Country

Paul Richard Goddard

Bristol Medico-Historical Society, United Kingdom

Misc4: Miscellaneous - Other

Time: Thursday, 12/Sep/2019: 4:20pm - 5:20pm  ·  Location: Studio 1 ,1st Floor
Session Chair: Paul Richard Goddard

4:20pm - 4:40pm

Thomas Lovell Beddoes and his death from curare

David Wright

Dr David Wright, United Kingdom


4:40pm - 5:00pm

Romantic Notions of Tuberculosis: Objects, Arts & Science

Imogen Clarke

Science Museum, United Kingdom


5:00pm - 5:20pm

Transporting Mobile Neurosurgical Units (MSNUs) Over The Seas To North Africa And Beyond in WW2

Lois Mary Tutton

Bristol Medico-Historical Society, United Kingdom

Sea 4: History of Medicine at Sea 4

Time: Thursday, 12/Sep/2019: 4:20pm - 5:20pm  ·  Location: Conference room, 2nd floor
Session Chair: Julie Helene Papworth

4:20pm - 4:40pm

How the Royal Navy Responded to an Epidemic of Cerebrospinal Fever in World War I

Edward Wawrzynczak

Independent Scholar


4:40pm - 5:00pm

Developing Chemical Fumigations Thanks To The Navies (Late 18th-Century – Early 19th Century)

Mathilde Martinais

University Paris-Diderot, France


5:00pm - 5:20pm

"Keep On Deck Under Awning": The Ingenious Case Of A London General Practitioner.

Christopher Derrett

BSHM, United Kingdom

WB4: History of Medicine in West of Britain 4

Time: Thursday, 12/Sep/2019: 4:20pm - 5:20pm  ·  Location: Studio 2, 1st Floor
Session Chair: Patricia Whatley

4:20pm - 4:40pm

Bath Spa, Radium and the Hon. Robert Strutt

Francis Duck

Formally Bath University, United Kingdom


4:40pm - 5:00pm

The Early Years of the Herefordshire Medical Association

Henry Connor

Retired, United Kingdom


5:00pm - 5:20pm

Philip de la Cour (1710-1785), a Jewish Physician in Eighteenth Century London and Bath

Kenneth Collins

University of Glasgow, United Kingdom

Men1: History of Mental Illness and Mental Disability 1

Time: Friday, 13/Sep/2019: 8:45am - 9:45am  ·  Location: Conference room, 2nd floor
Session Chair: Peter Carpenter

8:45am - 9:05am

Mental Disorder at Sea and the British Royal Navy 1740-1820

Catherine Beck

Institute of Historical Research, United Kingdom


9:05am - 9:25am

Autism: Discovered Or Invented?

Michael John Fitzpatrick

Statham Grove Surgery, United Kingdom


9:25am - 9:45am

War Worries: The Impact of the First World War on Worcestershire's Mental Health

Sarah Ganderton

George Marshall Medical Museum, United Kingdom

Misc5: Miscellaneous - Biography

Time: Friday, 13/Sep/2019: 8:45am - 9:45am  ·  Location: Studio 2, 1st Floor
Session Chair: Iain Macintyre

8:45am - 9:05am

1906: The Siamese Twins

Vellingiri Badrakalimuthu

Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom


9:05am - 9:25am

Walter Butler Cheadle (1835-1910) - Explorer and Pioneering Paediatrician.

Maja Rakic, Hugh Thomas

St George's. University of London, United Kingdom


9:25am - 9:45am

The Extraordinary Career of Dr. Jonathan Binns: Quaker Physician, Ackworth Superintendent and Liverpool Abolitionist

Bryan Rhodes

Lancaster Health and Medical Museum Collection, United Kingdom

Men2: History of Mental Illness and Mental Disability 2

Time: Friday, 13/Sep/2019: 10:15am - 11:35am  ·  Location: Conference room, 2nd floor
Session Chair: Michael John Whitfield

10:15am - 10:35am

To Be Cured Or To Be Damned. The Lottery Of Nineteenth Century Psychiatric Diagnoses

Paul Tobia

Glenside Museum, United Kingdom


10:35am - 10:55am

Melancholy: The English Malady

Emily Elisabeth Betz

University of St Andrews, United Kingdom


10:55am - 11:15am

The Burdens - an empire built on illusions.

Peter Carpenter

Bristol MedicoHistorical Society, United Kingdom


11:15am - 11:35am

Joseph Wright Of Derby (1734-97) And Dr Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802), The Artist And His Physician

Barry Ian Hoffbrand

Dr, United Kingdom

Stud: Health Care Undergrad Student Presentations

Time: Friday, 13/Sep/2019: 10:15am - 11:55am  ·  Location: Studio 2, 1st Floor
Session Chair: Martin Edwards

10:15am - 10:35am

The Glasgow Royal Infirmary: Pioneering Clinical Education for Women Doctors in Scotland

Rosa Forwell McMillan

The University of Glasgow, United Kingdom


10:35am - 10:55am

Chasing The ‘Phantom Of The Habitual Criminal Imbecile’: Medical Theory And Reform At The End Of The Nineteenth Century.

Iona Joy Blakeney

King's College London, United Kingdom


10:55am - 11:15am

The Transformation of the Concept of Medical Uncertainty: Attitudes, Emotions and Trends over Time

Sally-Ann Mather, Ian Sabroe, Chris Millard

University of Sheffield, United Kingdom


11:15am - 11:35am

“The Impossible Therapy”: a history of variolo-vaccination

Vinayak Keshav Mandagere, Gareth Williams

University of Bristol, United Kingdom


11:35am - 11:55am

''This Great British Tradition of Giving Blood’’: A Visual History of British Blood Donation

Nic Miller

University of Warwick, United Kingdom

KN3: Keynote Lecture 3 - Prof Sir Simon Wessely

Time: Friday, 13/Sep/2019: 12:00pm - 12:45pm  ·  Location: Conference room, 2nd floor
Session Chair: Tilli Tansey

12:00pm - 12:45pm

Shell Shock- Gone but not Forgotten?”

Simon Wessely

King's College London, United Kingdom

KN4: Keynote Lecture 4 - Dr Cherry Lewis

Time: Saturday, 14/Sep/2019: 9:00am - 9:45am  ·  Location: Conference room, 2nd floor
Session Chair: Christopher Gardner-Thorpe

9:00am - 9:45am

James Parkinson: Medical Educator in the Early 19th Century

Cherry Lewis

University of Bristol, United Kingdom

Ed1: History of Health Care Education 1

Time: Saturday, 14/Sep/2019: 9:50am - 10:30am  ·  Location: Conference room, 2nd floor
Session Chair: Briony Hudson

9:50am - 10:10am

Physicians’ memories of taking the Membership of the Royal College of Physicians exam, 1950-2000

Sarah Lowry

Royal College of Physicians, United Kingdom


10:10am - 10:30am

Midwifery Education in 18th Century London

Anna Bosanquet

Imperial Coillege Healthcare NHS Trust, United Kingdom

Men3: History of Mental Illness and Mental Disability 3

Time: Saturday, 14/Sep/2019: 9:50am - 10:50am  ·  Location: Studio 2, 1st Floor
Session Chair: Francis Duck

9:50am - 10:10am

Suicide,Melancholy And Madness: Insights From The Memoirs Of Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798)

Lisetta Lovett

keele university, United Kingdom


10:10am - 10:30am

Beyond the Yellow Wallpaper: Madness and the Rest Cure in 20th Century Fiction

Martin Edwards

Freelance, United Kingdom


10:30am - 10:50am

An Illusion Of Objectivity? Medical Expertise On Sexual Assault In An Inquisitorial System (1850-1900)

Linde Tuybens

KU Leuven, Belgium

Ed2: History of Health Care Education 2

Time: Saturday, 14/Sep/2019: 11:15am - 12:15pm  ·  Location: Conference room, 2nd floor
Session Chair: Janette Allotey

11:15am - 11:35am

‘A New Order Had To Be Rapidly Improvised’: British Pharmaceutical Education After World War One

Briony Hudson

Freelance historian, United Kingdom


11:35am - 11:55am

Leprosy: Role of Philately in Educating Society About a Feared Infection

William Land Dibb

Bon Secours Health, Ireland


11:55am - 12:15pm

Sir William Osler (1849-1919): Heir to Asklepios

Nadeem Toodayan

University of Queensland School of Medicine, Brisbane, Australia

Misc6: Miscellaneous - Military/War

Time: Saturday, 14/Sep/2019: 11:15am - 12:35pm  ·  Location: Studio 2, 1st Floor
Session Chair: Bryan Rhodes

11:15am - 11:35am

Larrey's Resuscitation of the Apparently-Drowned

John Hemsley Pearn

Faculty of Medicine,University of Queensland, Australia


11:35am - 11:55am

In Opposition to Standardisation – Treatment Of Gas Injuries During The First World War

Shelley Castle

University of Oxford, Somerville College, United Kingdom


11:55am - 12:15pm

Academically Affiliated U.S. Base Hospitals And Their Role In British Base Hospitals in WWI

Robert Raymond Nesbit

Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University, United States of America


12:15pm - 12:35pm

Ambroise Pare's Influence On Early Modern English Medicine Including The Treatment Of Gunshot Wounds

Nicola Conneely

Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom