Topics in the History of Medicine – Journal Home

ISSN 2753-9695


Aims & Scope

Topics in the History of Medicine is a peer reviewed, fully open access, online only journal published annually by the British Society for the History of Medicine (BSHM).

The aim of Topics in the History of Medicine is to promote scholarly work on all aspects of the history of medicine and healthcare by publishing a variety of articles including original research, biographical accounts and literature reviews.

The goal is to collate novel and diverse contributions to enhance the appreciation of the history of medicine by a broad-based readership, including academic historians, healthcare professionals, independent scholars, undergraduate and postgraduate students, authors, and anyone with a general or specific topic of interest in the history of medicine.

Papers presenting multiple perspectives on a selected topic of medical history will be collated by a Guest Editor who will invite manuscript submissions on behalf of the Editor-in-Chief. Topics will include the key themes of oral presentations featured at BSHM Biennial Congresses.

Topics in the History of Medicine publishes in English but welcomes articles from early years scholars and those for whom English is not their first language who should enlist the help of colleagues to ensure submission in clear English. The Editorial team will work with such authors to help improve the quality of papers submitted for publication.


Dr Edward Wawrzynczak, BSHM Journal Editor:

BSHM, 9 Cartwright Court, Cartwright Way, Bardon Hill, Coalville, Leicester LE67 1UE


30 September 2023


Current Volume LINK

Volume 3 LINK

Volume 2 LINK

Volume 1 LINK

Editorial Board LINK

Guidance for Authors LINK

Manuscript Preparation LINK