Topics in the History of Medicine – Volume 4
ISSN 2753-9695
The Origins of the History of Medicine and their Relevance to Protecting its Future
Hilary Morris
THoM 2024; 4: 1-6. PDF
By the Historical Method Alone Can Many Problems in Medicine be Approached Profitably
Sean PF Hughes
THoM 2024; 4: 7-10. PDF
Medicine in War and Conflict
The Argyleshire Fencibles Develop Egyptian Ophthalmia: Arthur Edmondston and Proof of Contagion
Graham Kyle
THoM 2024; 4: 11-22. PDF
British Military Use of Hospital Ships in the Long Nineteenth Century
Edward J Wawrzynczak
THoM 2024; 4: 23-57. PDF
Patrick Heron Watson’s Surgical Experiences in the Crimean War: Expectations versus Reality
Robin Fixter-Paterson
THoM 2024; 4: 58-71. PDF
From War Neuroses to Freudian Thanatos and Jungian Shadow Archetype
Marius Dumitrescu and Gabriela F Dumitrescu
THoM 2024; 4: 72-89. PDF
Ready for War? A Comparison of the Anaesthetic and Surgical Services of the Major Combatant Nations in World War Two
Ian Nesbitt
THoM 2024; 4: 90-107. PDF
Medicine in the Age of European Colonialism
Life and Health in Nineteenth-century India: The Perspective of a Surgeon in the Indian Medical Service
Henry Connor
THoM 2024; 4: 108-121. PDF
Literature and Visual Arts as a Historical Resource
Early Modern Literary Anatomy: Medicine, Law and Examination of the Soul in Phineas Fletcher and John Donne
Peter Mitchell
THoM 2024; 4: 122-150. PDF
Welsh Radical William Morgan (1750-1833): Apothecary, Scientist and Actuary
Adrian MK Thomas and Conrad A Donaldson
THoM 2024; 4: 151-174. PDF
Does Medicine Run in Families? If So, Why? And Does It Matter?
Stephen Gillam
THoM 2024; 4: 175-183. PDF