Suffolk Medical Biographies Website

It seems that that rural Suffolk is still the only county where anyone has attempted to make a comprehensive record of the existence of medical practitioners in previous centuries.
Dr David van Zwanenberg’s biographies cover men and women practising medicine in all its forms from the eleventh century until roughly 1900.
To qualify for an entry the person must have practised (or have been apprenticed) in Suffolk during that period.
Dr van Zwanenberg (1922- 1991) started his researches in the early 1970s, but he died before he could finish editing the work. His widow kindly donated his notes to the Suffolk Record Office at Ipswich and the reference number of this handwritten material is q.s.614.

To make the material more accessible, a website was set up in 2001
Over the years the information on it has been greatly expanded by the editor, Dr Edward Cockayne. DHMSA.

You can look for practitioners using their surname, status, place of practice, gender, or the century in which they lived. More excitingly, using the further details box on its own you can discover all sorts of things. Try tapping in ‘press gang’ ‘inoculation’ or ‘inquests’ just to see.

Charcot, Hysteria, & La Salpêtrière

The forthcoming RSM Library exhibition is entitled: Charcot, Hysteria, & La Salpêtrière

It runs from 3 May 2016 – 23 July 2016       Admission free    Open to all

Jean Martin Charcot (1825 – 1893) was appointed physician to the Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris in 1862 and remained working there for the rest of his professional life. This exhibition concentrates on Charcot’s controversial theories regarding hysteria, the patients at the Salpêtrière who were diagnosed with this problematic condition, and its depiction in the visual arts especially photography.

Robert Greenwood,  Heritage Officer,   The Royal Society of Medicine Library.

History of Infection – Image Database

From Dr. William Dibb, Consultant Microbiologist, Ireland / UK

Please find a link to my Dropbox folder that will give you access to my scanned collection of many hundreds of Infection related items. These include stamps, letters, postcards, autographs.

As a clinical microbiologist, I have always had an interest in the History of Infection and even in my lifetime have witnessed dramatic events such as the rise and fall of antibiotics, the HIV pandemic and problematic hospital bugs such as MRSA that represent history in development. The ‘beauty’ of Infection, as opposed to many chronic medical conditions is that things change quickly and new microbes and infectious diseases constantly create new problems, sometimes with profound social consequences.

I have collected Infection-related items for many years, largely acquiring them at auctions including Ebay. It is a pity that they are all hidden away in a filing cabinet and I have therefore scanned and briefly described them which was quite a time consuming job.

You can download the folder and then search for any particular subject that may interest you, for example: smallpox or Pasteur or Fleming or influenza. The images are all numbered and watermarked with my email address, but if you email me with the reference number and a brief explanation as to why you need the image, I am happy to send you a clear image for research purposes.

I do hope that they are of interest and use to you all.

Here is the link:

Bill Dibb

Legends of Surgery

Legends of Surgery is a podcast exploring the people and events that make up the history of modern surgery. Each topic is approached in a concise and informative manner, while still appreciating the human elements that create the stories, both famous and lesser known, that make the history of surgery so fascinating. The podcast strives to cover all areas of surgery, and uses original sources when available, to provide the most accurate information available. We try to keep the episodes light-hearted and appealing to a broad audience.
Thanks for supporting the podcast, and cheers from Canada!
Tyler Rouse